05 Nov Question: How Do I Prevent Facebook Page Likes From Falling?
I have decided to begin a series called QUESTIONS in which I answer real questions posed to me by members of Quora. Let me know what you think.
Today’s question is: How do I prevent Facebook page likes from falling?
[2 minute read]
Hello xxx,
Several have responded to your specific question of how to address falling page likes however, I wanted to chime in and say that page likes are a vanity metric that doesn’t usually matter much. It is only one component of a large equation that Facebook uses to share your content.
Example: You could have one hundred page likes and reach ten thousand people by paying to boost your post. OR You could have ten thousand page likes and reach only 300-500 of them because your content is not on target.
I run multiple social media pages for a university and I often have posts that reach 30 percent, 60 percent, 100 percent even 200 percent of our pages followers. Yes, I said that on our page of 30k I have posts that reach 60k-80k people…organically (no money spent to boost.)
There is no magic or trick. What you have to do is learn what your audience wants to see, hear and receive and give it to them.
Think like a magazine.
If you were to pick up a magazine, like Wired, and analyze it, you would see that about 40 percent of their page space is ads. These pay the bills and are less interesting to their audience while 60 percent is content that IS of value to their audience. The audience sees the good stuff while also seeing the ads that help the magazine stay in business.
If you focus on ENGAGEMENT as a target metric, not page likes, or even post likes, and adjust your content according to what your fans are interacting with, your page likes will grow on their own.
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